Tree Plantation – Do you know what trees charred by wild fire are called ? The Standing Dead. The crimson red flames of the forest swallow the yellow sun and from it, a linnet floats softly in thin air, fanning her over the flames. Forest is the pearl on nature’s crystal crown. Mankind has deliberately slaughtered, burnt, hacked, ripped away, lumbered, crafted, painted, moulded these silent giants of the jungle for his ever intensifying needs. They stand their like skeletons, comatose in trance, fallen angels of decay, like a cadaver in rigor mortis. Mankind today signifies that there is nothing kind about man. Tree plantations triggered by movements, rallies, silent marches should be endorsed by the governments to protect these species from perishing. If they go extinct, so will the earth.
"To come clean," can be written as an oft used fountain pen to chronicle the story of a man's life. Its not just a word,but a phenomenon,a way of life,that dictates reaching deep into ones own conscience, and dragging out the purest,unvarnished intentions that mirror the conscience of the society. The government has laid bare cleanliness as a programme to be practiced and participated in,as a tool to cleanse India - of its wretch,waste,chemicals,taboos,dogmas,the bare teeth of poverty. So every time,instead of plunging his sins deep into the Ganges,an individual should wash it by keeping the sidewalks and the hearts of his children clean,morally and really. That's a start.
From time immemorial yogis have found solace in the icy earth of the Himalayas. Every year millions flock to the pilgrimages of Mecca , kedarnath and the like to find inner peace or some their God and themselves , the 21st century city life is a never ending loop of chaos- the wailing regiment of cars, the sea of shoes walking away in hurried paces , the shout of ambulance , the cry of telephones and the hours in the office are frozen into one pure crystalized form of chaos. Meditation and yoga centres are there to help unwind from this crystal of chaos to find inner peace and closure through Asanas and meditation.
Disaster relief
8th November 2018- Chennai, the world witnessed a calamity , the rage of mother nature.Disasters- you’re office cracks open right before your eyes, fire alarms, and the ground starts shaking or waves the height of skyscrapers crash on oncoming traffic . Disasters are the aftermath of human activities which deplete mother earth of its natural resources, man made or natural they claim lives , property through destruction. Humanitarian societies like the Red Cross are known for their heroism during such disasters. The government, the central and the state should coordinate with NGO’s and appeal for help from other states and countries for a speedy action and donations to support the families inflicted.
For those kids who have excelled in madhyamik, Janasathi stands by them in times of financial crisis, providing them support to carve their own road in life.Their goal is to create a society that is conscious of its education and has the capacity to ask the right questions.
Cloth Distribution – The waves bring back to the shore what the sea washes away. Similarly, various things in our daily life exchange hands, midst the ocean of humanity. Humana, a centre that helps distribute used or discarded clothes to people in need, in the underbelly of the city, and many other such centres have come up with this novel initiative to protect the environment and the underprivileged. This imperceptible flow of used garments reduces Carbon dioxide emissions around the world. It is a boon for those that cannot afford the bare necessities of life. Clothes hide the bare bones of poverty and the shame of standing exposed to the ravages of the weather, disease and a thousand other eyes.
There’s currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease (COVID-19). You can protect yourself and help prevent spreading the virus to others if you:Do:-Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds, with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub, Cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue or flexed elbow when you cough or sneeze,Avoid close contact (1 meter or 3 feet) with people who are unwell,Stay home and self-isolate from others in the household if you feel unwell,Don't:-Touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not clean.